Pin-Ups are HOT...
If you haven't noticed, Pin-Ups and vintage glamour is experiencing a surge of interest and popularity at the moment. And why not? Pin-Ups are classy, sexy, and inspiring. But what is Pin-Up? According to the common wisdom, the term 'pin-up' was coined in the early 1940s to refer to the mass-produced photographs, paintings, and other illustrations intended to appeal to popular culture. Generally the model was female, attractive, and often a celebrity. Female pin-ups were commonly referred to as "cheesecake". Male models were know as "beefcake". You can read more about Pin-Ups and get some great example art/photos on our website (just scroll down the page a little!):
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Gil Elvgren: Classic drawn Pin-Up |
Personally I'm a big fan of the drawn Pin-Ups, but there really is something for everybody out there today. If you take just a quick look around the country, without even considering modelling and photo studio options, there are plenty of ways for you to explore Pin-Up:
Miss Pinup Australia
Miss Kustom Kulture SA
Greazefest 2013: Pinup Sessions
PinupSkool Magazine
PinupSkool are certainly providing a great option for the discerning enthusiast of talented Aussie Pin-Up. For the lovely ladies who would like to show the world why they love the art, PinupSkool wants you:
We need you retro lovelies... ALWAYS
This is the best part, we want to showcase what talent we have, right here in Australia. If you have always wanted to see yourself in a magazine, if you are an enthusiast Pin-Up girl with photos from a shoot, if you are a photographer...
A good Pin-Up photo really doesn't take too much effort or require extravagant settings, so why not check out PinupSkools modelling requirements:
Western Australia is also getting hot under the collar for Pin-Ups:
Miss Pinup Australia: WA
There are lots of gorgeous WA gals who are entered in the many different categories of Pin-Up offered in the Miss Pinup Australia competition. Why not check out the website/facebook and support your favourite?
Perth Rockabilly Rampage: Pin-Up Competition
Where Miss Pinup Australia targets the more avid/professional Pin-Up girl, Perth Rockabilly would like to recognise the gorgeous ladies who grace our Rockabilly events and venues each week. The Pin-Up competition held in conjunction with the Rampage will provide an opportunity for the Perth Pin-Up enthusiast to look great (and win some great prizes!) and get their pic in PinupSkool Magazine. Yep! Here's what's on offer (UPDATED!):
- Miss Hot Rod: Collectors special PinupSkool Magazine edition #1, Featured on Perth Rockabilly, My Little Rockabilly ( accessories, Prize package from HepKat Heaven (, Retro-a-gogo personal case from Perth Rockabilly.
- Miss Classic Rockabilly: Collectors special PinupSkool Magazine edition #1, Featured on Perth Rockabilly, My Little Rockabilly ( accessories, Prize package from Vixen Express (, Rockin' Rydes ( "Pinup 2012" T-Shirt.
- Miss Kustom Kulture: Collectors special PinupSkool Magazine edition #1, Featured on Perth Rockabilly, My Little Rockabilly ( accessories, Rockin' Rydes ( "Kustom Kulture Girl 2012" Pinup T-Shirt, 2 x $50 vouchers from Kittie Chaos (
- Overall Winner: Professional photo shoot from Viva Photography (, plus from PinupSkool Magazine:
- A 12 month subscription to PinupSkool Magazine for the winner,
- A 1 page photo in PinupSkool Magazine labelled Perth Rockabilly Rampage 2012 title winner
- An editorial on Perth Rockabilly Rampage 2012 in next issue of PinupSkool Magazine
Submissions – Digital photos to be received via email to Perth Rockabilly (; a limit of one photo submission per category. You don't need to be at the Rampage to participate, but to support all of our sponsors and to cover administration costs, you will need to purchase a ticket to the Rampage.
To help you get your Pin-Up photos taken, as a strictly limited offer, Viva Photography Balcatta is giving away 10 Complimentary Photography Studio Sessions. To enter, SMS your Name, Phone Number and “ROCK” to 0412 708 151
If you miss out on their special offer, you may also take advantage of a Viva Photography Studio Photo Session with one image on facebook for only $50 (Normally $250!!!) - simply present your Perth Rockabilly Rampage ticket before December 1st.